Summers in the pacific northwest are incredible. For a brief window of time, the rain stops and we look around to once again realize that this place is absolutely beautiful. Music is vibrant all over and people love to take it all in before the clouds return. The summer of 2019 was another great one for MSDS and friends. As we reach for our warm coats and stocking hats once again, I felt it was worthwhile to reminisce a few highlights that Miss Sydney and The Downtown Saints had over the past few months:

- We played an outdoor performance at the American Brewing Company on one of the most beautiful summer nights ever. The place was packed, we made a bunch of new friends, and The Press Box food truck made their official debut as well.

- Sydney and Tyler played an acoustic performance down at Engels Pub. We did an entire set of 80’s songs that people sang along with.

- Gerald spent some time at Robert Lang Studios doing work on his solo record. His longtime friend, Alvino Bennett came into town to record drums. Watching those two guys reminisce about old times was a riot! …oh and by the way, Sydney sang on a few songs!

- The band took a field trip to the Chateau Ste Michelle winery when the Steve Miller Band came through. Gerald got us all passes in the VIP section and we enjoyed singing along with the entire set. Of course Steve gave Gerald a shout out from the stage in the middle of a song, which made Gerald laugh.

- A group of local high school student musicians invited Gerald to speak at the Lynnwood Library about his lifelong passion for playing bass. The future of rock & roll bass players is looking good here in the northwest.

Now that summer has wrapped up and fall is in the air, here are a few things we are looking forward to as a band:
- October 17, 2019: Sydney and Tyler will be playing an acoustic set at the annual Clothes for Kids Transforming Lives Breakfast. As many of our friends know, we strongly support this fantastic organization and encourage everyone to check out what they are all about.
- December 7, 2019: We will be performing a special show down in the SoDo neighborhood of Seattle. This is a special event to continue our support for the Western Washington Volunteers of America and the building of the new Lynnwood Neighborhood Center that is underway. More details coming soon….
- March 20, 2020: We’ve been invited back to the Edmonds Center for the Arts to play again next spring. Last year was a tremendous success and lots of fun! This event will also be in support for the Western Washington Volunteers of America and the building of the new Lynnwood Neighborhood Center. We’re planning to step it up this year and look forward to another great evening. Tickets will go on sale in the next few weeks.
Stay aware of our activities by following us on social media:
- Facebook: misssydneyandthedowntownsaints
- Instagram: