Hey everyone, our good friend John Fromel, founder of the guitar amp & effects company Fromel Electronics, has been delving more into his photography skills recently, had has taken some photos at a few of our events this past year. We’ve shared a few of his photos and videos on our social pages and really enjoy his creative approach to everything he does.

John recently called to let me know that he was starting a new website called LightNotLight.com where he’d be sharing some of his photography work and asked if he could feature some of his photos taken of MSDS. We’re honored to be included on his page. Check out this link to see a some fantastic photos of the band and also some featured images of Gerald.

Oh and by the way…John also recorded a video of our live debut of our song “Demons” earlier this year at Edmonds Center for the Arts. Check it out here:

Well it’s been nearly 6 months already since this pandemic has dominated our lives. As many know, live music has come to a screeching stop around the world and it’s hard to know when things will return to what they once were. As a band, we had to postpone our March performance at Edmonds Center for the Arts. We are glad to share that the event has been rescheduled to April 16, 2021 and existing ticket sales will be honored (stay tuned for more info in the coming weeks). There is certainly a void out there right now without live music, but as a band, the thing we’ve missed most is just getting together and playing music in general.


Summers in the pacific northwest are incredible. For a brief window of time, the rain stops and we look around to once again realize that this place is absolutely beautiful. Music is vibrant all over and people love to take it all in before the clouds return. The summer of 2019 was another great one for MSDS and friends. As we reach for our warm coats and stocking hats once again, I felt it was worthwhile to reminisce a few highlights that Miss Sydney and The Downtown Saints had over the past few months:

Miss Sydney & The Downtown Saints at American Brewing Company